Preparing Contest Entries
There are a few things you will need to do to get your entries ready to submit. Follow these guidelines carefully to ensure your entries qualify for judging.
Know the name and number of the contest category you are entering.
Export and save all double-page spreads as spreads, not individual pages. From InDesign, select the “spread” checkbox. Take a look at this image for reference.
Reduce the file size of PDFs over 5 MB. If you have Adobe Acrobat (formerly called Acrobat Pro), you can follow these instructions. Alternatively, you could re-export the file from InDesign and select “Smallest File Size” for export. PDFs should not exceed 5 MB.
(optional) Save or rename your files using the following format: schoolname_category_1 (the 1 represents the first entry in this category). While not required, this ensures files incorrectly categorized through the form are moved to the correct category, if discovered.